The Urgence And Reflection Of Multicultural Islamic Education, Democracy And Human Rights In Indonesia

  • Agus Yosep Abduloh STAI Miftahul Ulum Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Uus Ruswandi State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Mohamad Erihadiana State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Reflection on Islamic Education, Multicultural, Democracy, Human Rights


The complexity of the challenges caused by teaching staff who are not prepared and do not understand multicultural education is the main obstacle in the 4.0 era as it is today. In addition, materials and resources need to be free from bias, such as social class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and urban bias. Thus, the authors of sources, materials, need to use the perspective of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Era 4.0 in terms of implementing Islamic education in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out the urgency and reflection of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Indonesia, where today's Islamic education continues to experience the complexity of its own challenges. The results of the study indicate that multicultural education can be carried out for teachers, leaders, school and campus community members who have multicultural attitudes and have the ability to carry out Islamic education appropriately in the era 4.0 which is full of challenges. This will also be a challenge, because schools generally cannot be free from stereotypes and prejudices that stem from a sense of primordialism, ethnicity, religion and social class
