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  • juli - Desember 2022
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022)
  • november (edisi Khusus)
    Vol. 4 No. 4 (2022)
  • Kelompok4
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
  • November 2022: Edisi Khusus II
    Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022)

    Loghat Arabi: Jurnal Bahasa Arab & Pendidikan Bahasa Arab was published twice a year (June and December) and it's first published in June 2020, is a multilingual (Indonesia, Arabic, and English), peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in Arabic Education. This journal is published by the Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, IAI DDI Polewali Mandar, in partnership with IMLA (Association of Arabic Lecturers).

    Editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of Arabic Education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.

    P-ISSN : 2722-1180

    E-ISSN : 2722-1199

  • Vol 3 No 1 Januari 2022
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
  • September 2022
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022)

    Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal latihan, diterbitkan oleh peserta pelatihan coaching jurnal RJI 2022

  • Vol. 3 No. 1 (September, 2022)

    Window of Dedication Journal: is a publication of scientific work in the field of health in a broad sense such as community health nursing, emergency and trauma nursing, family nursing, fundamental of nursing, gerontological nursing, manajemen in nursing, maternity nursing, mental health nursing, pediatric nursing,  etc. In addition, the Journal was first established since 2020 by the Institute of Study and Management Center Journal of the Faculty of Public Health University Muslim Indonesia located in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Window of Health : published on June and December .

  • September
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)

    Persiapan Akreditasi/Reakreditasi RJI

  • Insya Allah Berkah
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)

    Penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada author yang telah melakukan proses submit artikel di Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, saat ini jumlah naskah yang masuk sudah terpenuhi untuk terbitan tahun 2022.

  • September
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    This study aims to determine: 1) The socio-economic condition of sand miners 2.) The level of income of sand miners before and after the existence of a sand mine in Cimpu Utara Village, Suli District, Luwu Regency. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The population in this study is the owner and labor of sand miners totaling 36 people. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The socio-economic conditions of the people who work as sand mines are aged 40-44 years as much as 30.55% ,. graduated from junior high as much as 36.11%. The previous respondents' livelihoods were entrepreneurs, farmers and fishermen. 2) The impact of the existence of a sand mine on the socio-economic conditions of the community that is researchers conclude the impact after the existence of a sand mine is very influential on the level of community income. Can be seen from the landing before the sand mine only around Rp. 4,200,000 - 7,500,000 / year while the income after the sand mining is around Rp. 512,000 - 6,250,000 / month

    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
  • Desember
    Vol. 7 No. 7 (2027)

    Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan nikmat serta hidayah-Nya terutama nikmat kesempatan dan kesehatan sehingga penulis dapat menyusun proposal penelitian ini yang berjudul “gambaran pengetahuan pasien rawat jalan tentang pentingnya konsumsi vitamin selama masa pandemi covid-19 di puskesmas bambu

    Dalam penyusunan proposal ini, penyusun banyak mendapat tantangan dan hambatan akan tetapi dengan bantuan dari berbagai pihak atau sumber tantangan itu bisa teratasi. Oleh karna itu, penyusun mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak atau sumber yang telah membantu dalam penyusunan proposal ini.

  • Judul
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
  • Bulan September
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)

    Movere Journal adalah jurnal berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Tri Dharma Nusantara Makassar, memuat artikel dalam bidang Manajemen yang meliputi:

    1. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
    2. Manajemen Keuangan
    3. Manajemen Pemasaran
    4. Manajemen Strategi
  • September
    Vol. 8 No. 8 (2088)

    Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) publish the best articles the results of research on issues of concern, the latest and the trend internationally, with regard to (1) Science education: Educational Innovation, Educational Psychology, Primary and Secondary Education, Vocational Education, Curriculum Development, Instructional Strategies, Learning Processes, (2 ) Education in Learning: New Learning Models and Applications, Models of Learning, Curriculum, Learning Innovation, Vocational Education, (3) Educational technology

  • Oktober
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022)

    jurnal berisi artikel kesehatan terbit setiap tahun

  • IRJ Flash Journal
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    IRJ Flash Journal (Hasanuddin Law Rev. - HALREV) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, and another section related to contemporary issues in legal scholarship. 

  • September
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST)  is International Journal, with a peer-reviewed scientific open access process, has e-ISSN: 2477-3840 p-ISSN: 2460-1497 published by Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Makassar in collaboration with Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia (ISPI).   Editorial Journal invites the best manuscripts that discuss topics of science and technology education that are relevant to using scientific approaches that are well established and recognized and have an effect or can be generalized to national and international populations, reports and quantitative research results using sophisticated research designs. One or two variables that use simple inferential statistics. All manuscripts must provide a thorough review of the literature defining the research problem or existing problem and a comprehensive conclusion discussing the implications and limitations of the research or argument.